
The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2014–2015 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Standard Lesson eCommentary: 2014–2015 is the perfect resource for adult Sunday school classes or Bible studies. Containing 52 weeks of study, this volume provides quality and biblically sound lessons to enhance your understanding of the Bible and its principles. Each lesson includes a main passage of study, verse-by-verse exposition, and discussion questions, as well as several activity...

behemoth bee-heh-moth or beh-hee-moth. Bildad Bill-dad. Elihu Ih-lye-hew. Eliphaz El-ih-faz. leviathan luh-vye-uh-thun. Naamathite Nay-uh-muth-ite. patriarchal pay-tree-are-kul. Shuah Shoe-uh. Shuhite Shoe-hite. Sinai Sigh-nye or Sigh-nay-eye. Temanite Tee-mun-ite. theophany the-ah-fuh-nee (the as in thief ). Zophar Zo-far.
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